Decal Implementation

20th November, 2006Insights

EDIT Monday December 27, 2010 19:07 GMT+11: This post is referring to the very first version of the Decal CMS which was a module for the RocketSled PHP framework which simplified the task of making small parts of any page in your application editable. I’ve kept this post here for historical purposes, mostly because this original implementation is where the name Decal comes from.

I’ve created a new version of the Decal page based CMS and implemented it for the first time on the Catfish Films intranet, and it is working very nicely. In order to implement it, you need to put:


into your Display::init() method. Then you need to put the following RSML into your template:

<widget type="Decal" variable-name="sometext" />

Then in your Pilot installationn (ed: The Pilot was the name of the user management package in RocketSled – pilot controls the sled, get it?), add the site function ManageDecal under the desired access level. Whenever authorised users are logged into the site, they will see ‘Edit This’ whenever there is some editable Decal data.

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